The Last Week Has Been Tough

In the last week or so you could say that I have been… lazy doesn’t feel like the right word. I would probably say unmotivated or undisciplined. I haven’t felt like myself in the past week. It was a bit of the feeling that I didn’t get enough sleep the night before, everyday. I, rightly or wrongly, thought that I had so much to do and no time to do it in. So I did what anyone would do, nothing. I’m not entirely sure what was wrong.

As a consequence I got very few workouts in last week. Instead of doing what I should have been doing (working out or exercising), I spent that time either sleeping, doom scrolling, or wasting time watching videos on YouTube. To be fair I do quite a bit of those things on the day to day, I was just doing more of them. And to add fuel to the fire (or lack of fire in this case) I was also snacking on stuff I shouldn’t have (specifically a lot of Peanut M&Ms and Snickers Bars). 

Three out of seven days I made the effort to go beyond my comfort zone and get my heart rate up. To make the comparison, I would prefer to exercise, in some way shape or form at least five days a week, and ideally I’d like to be out there 7 days a week. Not all of the workouts are going to be barn burners. Hell, half of them probably won’t even create a flame. I do need them to produce sparks though. 

This morning I decided, after a great night of sleep, that I was going to rekindle the fire. I had a really good workout and have accomplished quite a bit in the morning before I head out to work. I got my CrossFit style workout done along with the accessory work, and have time to spare before heading to work, so that I can write this.

I’ll report in on Friday to detail how the week went.


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