
Showing posts with the label motivation

New Year’s Resolutions Are Worthless

 This is the time of year when gyms fill up and liquor stores struggle for business. But everyone knows that both of these situations are only temporary, because by mid-February most people have moved on from their resolutions and back to doing whatever habits are so ingrained in them that no meaningful change is ever realized.  In fact, it is such a forgone conclusion that New Year’s Resolutions won’t last that they have made a national “holiday” out of it. National Quitting Day is typically the second Saturday in February, this year that will be February 8th.  Most people give up their New Year’s Resolutions for a couple of reasons.  1. They fail to plan. They don’t use a framework when planning their goals like a S.M.A.R.T. plan. Smart is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time bound. They say “In 2025 I am going to lose weight”, instead of “In 2025 I am going to lose 5 pounds a month by doing (inset plan here).” I have been more than g...

The Last Week Has Been Tough

In the last week or so you could say that I have been… lazy doesn’t feel like the right word. I would probably say unmotivated or undisciplined. I haven’t felt like myself in the past week. It was a bit of the feeling that I didn’t get enough sleep the night before, everyday. I, rightly or wrongly, thought that I had so much to do and no time to do it in. So I did what anyone would do, nothing. I’m not entirely sure what was wrong. As a consequence I got very few workouts in last week. Instead of doing what I should have been doing (working out or exercising), I spent that time either sleeping, doom scrolling, or wasting time watching videos on YouTube. To be fair I do quite a bit of those things on the day to day, I was just doing more of them. And to add fuel to the fire (or lack of fire in this case) I was also snacking on stuff I shouldn’t have (specifically a lot of Peanut M&Ms and Snickers Bars).  Three out of seven days I made the effort to go beyond my comfort zone and ...